Since the great betrayal in Atlantis, there have always been those that incarnate to work toward bringing the Goddess back to her rightful Throne.
Seeing Africa rise and begin to prosper as a whole is a symbol of the Goddess. Now is the time of the Goddess’s ascension. We have passed through darkness and tribulations and we are again in the photon light belt. Now Gaia is charged with energies and love from our cosmic Mother and she is ready to shift up.
This takes Gaia back into her natural state of blessing the Universe with the heart beat of love. Darkness or intelligent evil is doing its best to cover us with illusions and lies. However there is no stopping our evolution. In these dark times keep your vibrations high, do the things that make you feel joyful, get creative. When you find your silence and your mind is quiet you will will align to and be inspired by the Goddess Herself.