New Moon Libra 14th October 2023 Time 17h 55m
Planets Direct Mercury Venus Mars Pluto
Retrograde Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
14th October New Moon. This s a bit tricky being the scales, they tip so easily. The new Moon points and opposes both Chiron and the north node, this is to do with moving forward ensuring we all have plenty financially to live our lives without these worries . Venus in Virgo is doing her sums to redistribute necessary wealth and opposes Saturn in Pisces, so not all will be happy about this. So although we cannot see it at the moment it’s all happening behind the scenes. This is the main focus that will bring hope to so many, everything is going to be fair for all.

15th October Moon enters Scorpio and we feel this drive to success, it’s important to focus on the self, and keep ourselves centered as outside influence are trying their best to cause a turbulence, all we have to do is keep focused on what we each need at this time.