8th April Aries new Moon Time 18h 21 mins

Direct planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Retrograde: Mercury
This solar eclipse is potent, a red Moon symbolises change while this new Moon is also a rebirth, a new chapter opening, and this is where the magic happens. It’s up to each of us to remain positive to gain the energy available now. If you’re negative today then this energy will have the reverse effect. This energy will take you where you focus so try to be positive.
The current planetary alignment is potent, but more than that its revolutionary, it’s not simply a change of direction. The whole system of the matrix is running out of steam, as we-the- people are changing everything through our awareness and oneness.
The hierarchy of the planets are together aligning themselves is strategic position for what is happening now. The last Moon raised our vibrations sufficiently to embrace this powerful energy, raising our consciousness substantially for this new realisation.
The last time we had an alignment like this was in 1965 when the movement for freedom was active in the 60’s, the contraceptive pill, ban the bomb was active, now we have another major move, a transformation, and great transition before us. The return of the feminine.
In this alignment we have Saturn, Mars linked also Neptune in the same house, almost feels like Hercules, his power is relentless with Saturn he’s a tyrant, but also a strategic ruler, while Neptune is refining and assisting to finish what was started several years ago all three are in Pisces, and last sign of the zodiac.
Mars and Saturn may cause enormous frustration as the stage needs to be set by Saturn while Mars Is full of energy wanting to move forward while Neptune is more focused within, patience is required, so what does this mean for us mere mortals, check out where and how we are directing our feelings, our mind’s influence our feelings, are they are own? Do they have room to move and feel outside our usual environment? Are we applying our energies the way we wish, not influenced by others or the media? We need to release the past otherwise it’s going to be challenging on the other hand if we have raised our vibrations then this energy can catapult us forward.
The North node Sun, Moon, Chiron, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are all conjunct, all indication change for we-the-people.
Venus and Pluto connect lightly a 60 degree aspect.
8th April. This Moon conjuncts the North node a massive change in direction and this will correct all the inequality, very much to do with everyone globally, as this energy is powerful beyond belief it’s important to remain positive to embrace this energy to its highest good. Try to keep your focus on what you want, set your Intention and watch it happen, note; feelings as our unconscious rises to meet out conscious minds. This is a great awakening whatever we focus on has an opportunity to manifest. There’s so much taking place right now as communications and expansion as well as massive changes that this Moon provides change in direction for all, opportunities galore.
10th April Crescent Moon Conjunct Jupiter, Uranus, also connects to Mars and Saturn, expect today to be unsettling, we are going to need patience today, as we are feeling the energy of change, patience is needed.
13th April Moon is in Gemini until 17h 45 mins a good day to communicate loads can be achieved today whatever needs to be done in record time.
15th April The first square Moon Square’s Sun, Mercury trines Mars and Neptune sextiles Jupiter and Uranus.
It’s quite a line up today we can see and feel exactly what we have implemented so far, and loads of communications here relating to whats important to each of us, the feelings of change and opportunity that this Moon provides is evident to make the most of this day as complicated matters and can easily be conveyed.
18th April A Leo Moon trine the Sun, we feel full of enthusiasm, strong and powerful in our element and confident.
19th April Sun enters Taurus at 14 hours.
21st April Jupiter, Uranus conjunction in Taurus today is beneficial big changes happening connected to resources available for the public, the sharing of wealth each according to their needs. The beginning of a tumbling down structure, Jupiter also stands for justice and the law so many things will be put right, the release of entanglement of those structures that no longer serve are being swept away, while the distribution of wealth will give us all freedom and independence.
By the 23rd April Full Scorpio Moon time 23hours 49mins squares Pluto, Moon connects to Pluto resources money wealth for all as well as we get underway from those that have held us back in terms of restrictive laws, paper work and God know what else to create a life we choose and not held bondage to lack of finances so looks like the super new Moon is creating freedom for all.
By the 29th Moon trines the Sun squares Mercury sextiles Saturn, if we are not quite happy or want to make a change this energy will do it relatively easy.
By the 1st May and first square sextile Mercury we have an opportunity to see clearly what we have what we want and Insight to make changes ready for the next Moon should we choose communications flow easily.
5th May and Cresent Moon in Aries conjunct Mars connects to Pluto, with Mars in Aries he’s in his element and helps us to feel motivated and get to our destination, with this energy and Pluto we can see and feel so much more, the dynamics have now changed as we move forward, so long as we keep our focus and intention its relatively easy, so dare to dream and make the most of this time. that gives us the tools to feel the coming new Moon
6th May Dark of the Moon links to Mercury only, so be aware of communications this could be universal energies as well as daily and important time to clear our minds and gives us the tools to feel the coming new Moon.