Moon Phase 31 October 23

31st October 2021 Gemini Moon. The 29th  Moon conjunct Jupiter and with him a ray of hope has an opportunity for  expansion, as this is the energy of today, its not that we are so enthusiastic yet if there was indeed hope for something: this is the next stage, all we have to do is stay focused.

As we move to the 1st November the Moon is still in Gemini, only now we have more stability that can make our intentions a reality, although the energies are there to  help and guide there is some patience needed to see this through,  persistence will guide you to where you wish to be or want to accomplish.

.2nd November Moon in Cancer  this energy is asking us how we feel about our journey so far. Much of it is connected to money and how we make a living, are we doing what we are happy with is something we can check out.

4th November A Leo Moon and all feels good enthusiasm hope for change, and so much more, I feel has occurred already helping us all to  view and review our options, as life changes are fast now ensure we are happy with what ever is going on right now, and focus on the self.

7th November Moon enters Virgo the sign of clarity and practicability, here we are clear minded and have focus, the Moon links well with Jupiter, if we have made plans or anything that is on-going, today should give you the opportunity for expansion, or the next stage of development. A good day to make things happen.

9th November A Libra Moon connects well with Mercury, conjuncts Venus and links well with Pluto.  Pluto is now moving forward since the 11th October so all her connections now are about moving forward big time. All communications go well,  near and far and all flows well, also this feels life’s turn around time with Pluto in the picture enables one to make changes relatively easily, instead of the huge obstacles that we sometimes find.  This may also be connected with finance as did the new Moon, if we find indeed we have been lucky and received a windfall, should you choose use wisely as it doesn’t last forever.

12th November Moon in Scorpio  the Moon opposes Jupiter and kinda feels the energy of the 9th November, full of enthusiasm  and hope, will give us all loads of energy. However use wisely as by the evening we may feel  quite drained.