Joan Grant 12 April 1907 – 3 February 1989

Anyone who loves Egypt and feels its mystical pull will love to read any of Joan Grants books which are set in Egypt.
They were publicised as historical novels however they were based on her past live memories. When the ‘Winged Pharaoh’ was printed in 1937 during WWII there was a great shortage of paper yet her publisher on a large print run and insisted that her books would all sell and they did.
Winged Pharaoh
The story of Sekeeta, daughter of Pharaoh sent to train in the temple. Such a beautifully written story. Great insights into a functioning temple the training of an initiate. Some insights into the deeper meaning of some hieroglyphs. Sekeeta shares her insights generously.
‘The Eye of Horus’ and ‘Lord of the Horizon’
Eyes of Horus is set in 11th and 12th dynasty when there was a division between Upper and Lower Egypt. The land was divided, where Set was the God of rule. In the following book ‘Lord of the Horizon’ you see the rising of those that served Horus bringing Egypt back to light.
(I am transferring Astro Awareness pages here. It has been years since I wrote this, and I’m not sure about the dynasties. So will reread and come back to this. I think having read a book about Joan Grant she places it to 1st Dynasty. 6 Nov 23)