The Goddess is calling the Warrior in YOU, to rise and use your power. You are beautiful, unique and have been born at this amazing time.
We each have the light of creation within, the ability to wish and call things to us is a natural gift that we each have.
we were born at this time of destiny to be guardians of the transition of this beautiful planet and to act as conduits of light.
When you do any prayer , meditation or just plain wishing for good things for all of us then that energy turns into a light arrow and that arrow pierces the darkness and you bring light into this world.
We each have a power to make a difference and now is the time to heal the link to the great Mother.
As you can see all the planets are moving forward, and continues till the end of April, nothing now! Nothing can hinder our progress, no hindrances to bar our way. If you have a task, work, or something you have been longing to get underway then this is our time, use this time wisely as it is a most potent time. Jupiter loosely connects to Uranus the planet of change in Taurus it won’t be till April for a conjunction, though certainly worth mentioning, Jupiter expands bringing growth and wisdom, while Uranus creates changes, this is all to do with expansion and a different way of living.
This is absolutely massive, we have all the planets in alignment, while Saturn works on us revealing the many layers of just who we are, gives us an opportunity to use our potential, closely connected to this new Moon while Neptune guiding us to view the our innermost feelings and values so much and more, what this does for us is paramount coming to the surface lots of communications rapidly springing from the media. So we will understand so much more, and with knowledge comes wisdom and a new direction for we-the-people, we will then move forward unprecedented in a way not seen before, we are in store for so much, it will be never ending, its up to each of us to use this energy wisely.
8TH March just before the new moon, Mars links to Venus so again emphasising moving forward, money for all, which we all will have, oh yes not the few but the many.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th March, Venus links to Neptune bringing our ideals into reality a time for miracles.
The 14th Mars links with Pluto, watch out for arguments, and clearing as we can move mountains at this time, Pluto can be an amazing a jewel to be recognised, but if you’re going the wrong way she will indeed get you on the right path through challenges.
The 16th March 06h 06m recommend we try not to make plans as Moon links with Uranus so expect the unexpected although this energy is fleeting.
15th March is super, filled with enthusiasm and believe it or not patience too, so a day full of opportunities, feeling joy, feeling that life is a wow!
Venus enters Aquarius on the 16th March again bringing hope to us all for new Earth and release of the old matrix into the golden age.
17th March Venus links to Pluto, very much about the myth of the underworld where Venus visits her sister and is stripped naked before she returns, we are being stripped of the old to make way for the new.
The 20th March Sun enters Aries at 03h 36m and the strongest influence here is the energy of the psychic links with Neptune fine tuning our inner mystical abilities.
Followed by a eclipse of the Moon 25th March again brings much that has been hidden to the surface not nice but again clearing brings fairness justice and truth, a challenge in a way as there so much we are not aware of and this should but things right.
28th March Sun conjuncts Mercury at 08 43 will last 3 days the 28th the strongest also Mercury and Saturn feels like we will hear something not to our liking that will take some consideration.
The 29th March brings something unexpected to the surface.
30th March is a lovely connection between the Sun and Moon making life so easy all just flows.
Moon links to Pluto on the 3rd April we need to do something with this energy, as it can over powering, otherwise we will make sure we are heard.
The dark of the Moon is on the 8th April. The planets are Venus, Neptune and Pluto, so feels like we are being further refined within to master our power.
Retrograde: Uranus Neptune- Neptune moves direct 7th December
13th November The new Moon opposes Uranus. A great disruption in the financial system a complete breakdown creating a new direction big time. It’s going to cause a flurry/chaos of a sort, but all will be well, and the beginning of the great transition. This is a big thrust forward for mankind and should bring in equality and justice for all, those in lack will be no more! A massive change in consciousness, a new awareness, as so much is being revealed and from the depth of our being we know this. A massive change in consciousness, this is the big breakdown, of how we feel see, and live our lives.
14TH November Moon conjunct Mercury connects well with Venus and Jupiter.
This Moon brings benevolence and yesterday’s upheaval brings joy into the hearts of all. We are all feeling and looking forward to life, the past is over but it’s up to us to use money wisely, respect our windfall as it’s not going to last forever.
16th November The Moon in Capricorn, Moon trines Jupiter and sextiles Saturn.
A feeling of optimism wisdom and breathe of vision as well as being grounded, so very fortunate.
18th November the Moon in Aquarius links well with the Sun Neptune, conjuncts Pluto, there’s always a challenge with Pluto.
The Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius the water bearer, air, water and earth also links to Chiron to those that hurt, all will be well as wounds are healed we are asked to go outside our usual thought patterns the “matrix” so we can accustom ourselves to the newness within and around us to know ourselves to be who we are and reclaim ore heritage. Pluto always brings a challenge and with her transformation, she links with the north node that helps us to see and feel the future in no uncertain terms, life is still going to be bumpy yet for now all will be well
21st November Moon in Pisces square Mercury sextile Jupiter.
The Moon feels submerged almost camouflage, we feel uncertain, communications may need patience and for us to get to the bottom of what is causing us to feel this way, yet Jupiter the great benefactor and co ruler of Pisces are also at work expanding our vision and helping us to bring all into perspective.
23rd November Moon in Aries opposes Venus and conjuncts Chiron
At the beginning of this new Moon, the Moon Venus opposed Chiron now the Moon conjuncts Chiron indicating full exposure of the wounded of the under trodden lots of healing taking place this is our resurrection.
25th November Moon in Taurus conjuncts Jupiter bringing forth our wisdom. A time of mental and inward expansion as life will be so forward now for those that choose. A most fortunate day note options and our thoughts forms both within and life’s possibilities good for businesses and also justice,
by the 26th November there is a big change almost an upheaval yet we don’t know which way its going to go, it’s almost a clearing of the way.
27th November the full Moon in Gemini opposes Mars
The new Moon was connected to Uranus the planet of disruption, now the Moon opposes Mars implementing these changes by argumentative behavior, note this is so we can take a higher ground here to see both sides of the equation and the culmination the new Moon.
29TH November Moon in Cancer oppose Venus sextiles Jupiter trine Saturn
Today we are analyzing our feelings big time and checking it’s what we want and comfortable with are we following our intuition? We need to use our energies well as there is a great expansion on how we feel due to the wisdom of Jupiter and grounding of Saturn, and helps our energies to manifest what we choose.
2nd December a Leo Moon trines the Sun and Mars
Feelings are optimism and enthusiasm the humps have been removed, that is if we have remained focused and determined with what we wish for. So lots of forward feelings all has a strong direction following our hearts if today feels good in our hearts then it so.
4th December Moon in Virgo trines Mercury Jupiter, sextiles Venus, square Mars opposes Saturn.
Today brings all this Moon together in a way that is pretty much basic we are now happy with all the communications taken place some of its been challenging, also still in some case’s trying to hold us back, but remember Jupiter is the boss, so with our good intentions all will be well.
9th December Moon in Scorpio sextile Mercury conjunct Venus opposes Jupiter Trines Saturn
A great depth of feeling and heightened perception in the way we communicate with our loved ones, great enthusiasm of all this will bring about a time of calm a knowing that all is well and strong.
11th December Dark of the Moon, the Moon squares Saturn trines Neptune sextiles Pluto.
The dark of the Moon gives us time to reflect, we don’t have our usual energy we simply want to be, so it worth finding for ourselves the time to tie up loose ends and gives us something towards the coming new moon.
Today is assisting us to reflect on recent events, this is sometimes serious, a time to go inward and be gentle and kind to ourselves as a great transformation is taking place, and we are feeling the energies of Pluto.
Since the great betrayal in Atlantis, there have always been those that incarnate to work toward bringing the Goddess back to her rightful Throne.
Seeing Africa rise and begin to prosper as a whole is a symbol of the Goddess. Now is the time of the Goddess’s ascension. We have passed through darkness and tribulations and we are again in the photon light belt. Now Gaia is charged with energies and love from our cosmic Mother and she is ready to shift up.
This takes Gaia back into her natural state of blessing the Universe with the heart beat of love. Darkness or intelligent evil is doing its best to cover us with illusions and lies. However there is no stopping our evolution. In these dark times keep your vibrations high, do the things that make you feel joyful, get creative. When you find your silence and your mind is quiet you will will align to and be inspired by the Goddess Herself.
Tower shaped piece from a board game, Egypt. Ancient Egyptian. Predynastic / early dynastic. Abydos. (Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)
I fell in love with this piece. It makes you wonder what else was it found with? Is it a gaming piece? The ladder goes up to an opening of a tower. The ladder represent ascension.
A Tibetan monk who shares his story, gives insights into the Tibetan Mysteries. He shares his story as a child joining a monastry. A time of change and they monks knew of the coming darkness.
All of his books gift us with insights into the inner mysteries of the Tibetan Monasteries. Glimpses of initiations, the mechanics of destiny and cycles of times. Journey to Venus and finding ancient technology in the mountains. So much more too. I love his books. Definitely worth buying his books.
Someone has made a website dedicated to him. With all his books. Thank you to that person! This is an amazing site and worth having a look because they cover such a large range of topics. Even better they have an index for research. Also translated into many languages.
Grace Cooke was a British medium who worked with and taught the teachings of Silver Birch one of her spiritual guides.
The Illumined Ones tells of two of her past lives working with the great white brotherhood. The first part of the book tells of Graces life as Minesta a Mayan Priestess, her father in that life was Silver Birch. I love this because it brings a glimpse how life once was when we were still close to the earth and the idea of connection was real.
The Second life that she lists was interesting, set later than the Mayan life it tells of how schools of initiation were introduced so that the path would be open to those that sought the keys to the mysteries of life.