Pyramid Prophecies – Atlantis & Dr Ray Brown

Chapters on Edgar Cayce readings on ancient Egypt

Pyramid Prophecies by Max Toth,

In this book ‘Pyramid Prophecies’ Max Toth covers Edgar Cayce information on Atlantis, its high technology and travel.

Most importantly he has a chapter with a full interview with Dr Ray Brown, who was a physician, and adventurer/ treasure seeker.

In 1968 Dr Ray Brown with another 10 to 12 divers were looking for ship wreck treasures.  They used a magnetometer to sense ferrous metals and where they had a reading they would then search that area.  Using airlifting devices under water to remove sand.

They explored from Cuba and Cay Sal Banks. When exploring the Tongue of the Ocean they noticed that there were lots of magnetic readings and that 70 feet down the fish were disorientated.

Recreated image of hands on the stand that held the crystal ball that Dr Brown was told to take with him and never return. In fact everyone was told not to return to the area. Please watch the video below of Dr Brown being interviewed by Leonard Nimoy. You can listen to his experience from Dr Brown himself.

When researching the Blue Holes in the Bahamas for Jacque Causteau they discovered lots of fresh water coming from the deep water that would make the surface water 3 feet above the natural sea water.  Some of these water streams/ponds have a diameter of 5 miles.

In 1970 with a new team Dr Ray Brown was on a dive off of Miami. Diving he was distracted and he had to bolt for the surface as his tank was empty and got hit by a passing boat on resurfacing. Sinking to 40 feet.

During that time he had a spiritual experience/vision. From what I read seeing the beauty and perfection of a tiny fish his consciousness  connected to life in all forms round our planet and then moved out of his vision to seeing perfection of life in all its states around ours and other galaxies.

He was pulled out of the Ocean later (some said 50 minuets some said 2.5 hours.)  He began to breath with help with a resuscitator.

When a person/people have a job to do the Universe makes sure it happens!

Another time after a massive storm when they were headed back out to the tongue of the ocean they had to take shelter by the Baru Islands.  When the storm stopped they decided to dive at their original search area, their equipment was damaged or lost in the storm.

With 5 divers in the ocean, huge storm that moved huge amounts of sand. Dr Ray Brown cold see the silhouette of the pyramid because the Sun was shining brightly.

“Not all of the pyramid was exposed from the ocean floor, I could see 90 feet of the structure”

Dr Ray Brown

the surface of the pyramid was mirror like

Dr Ray Brown

Dr Ray Brown circled the capstone 3 times, the oceans current was very strong, diving down lower he saw an opening that had not been there on his previous search.

Dr Ray Brown swims through through the opening of the pyramid, to a corridor that leads to a rectangular room, with pyramid shaped roof, from the central apex of the roof came a gold colored rod with a 3” diameter.  In the center of the room there was a stand, a carved scroll where two metal hands were resting holding a crystal ball with a 3.5” diameter.

Around the room was 7 large chairs, one on a platform. These chairs were circular around the central pillar.

Dr Brown took the crystal ball and saw that the hands were burnt where they had held the crystal.

This is a picture of the crystal ball from the underwater pyramid
Yet it was a voice instructing me: “you came, and you have what you came for.  Now leave and don’t come back”Dr Ray Brown and each member had the same warning.

All the divers had similar experiences, each found an artifact.  Two had found an art gallery or a Library, another had gone into a homestead and had what appeared to be look like a calculator or remote control.

The devices found were streamlined and found on a stone table.

“Whether I truly died to get this crystal, I don’t’ know , you have to judge for yourself, 
I feel different. Since that time I’m the only one left alive of the group

Dr Ray Brown

Dr Ray Brown died on a routine dive (which didn’t seem right to his friends).

Edgar Cayce did say that in 1968 the remnants of Atlantis was found and this is when Dr Brown started to explore the Bahamas and surrounding areas.

  • Facts
  • The outside Stones were highly polished and mirror like.
  • The surface of the pyramid was white in color.
  • The surface stones had beveled edges.
  • The Capstone was Lapis Lazuli.
  • The interior floor was white.
  • Crystal ball is quartz and yet half the weight it should be.
  • Crystal Ball is a perfect sphere.
  • Interior Hall had 7 Thrones

Q: Where is the pyramid in relation to the Sargasso Sea?

A: Due East maybe 150 miles

Do you believe the crystal comes from earth?

A: No, but that’s just my opinion.

Listen to Dr Ray Brown yourself on ‘Finding Atlantis’ with Leonard Nimoy

© Gifts Of The Goddess 2023

The Secret of the Saucers

by Orfeo M Angelucci, Ray Palmer published 1955

This is the true story of Orfeo M Angelucci, who first met our cosmic sisters/brothers Friday 23 May 1952 in Burbank, California.

We feel a deep sense of brotherhood toward Earths inhabitants because of an ancient kinship of our planet with Earth.


Love is stronger than life and deeper than the boundless depths of time and space

page 102, Orfeo connects with the name Neptune and understands his role in the fall and destruction of the planet that now is just an asteroid belt.

“Once there was another planet in your solar system, the fairest and most radiant of all the planets. that planet was the original home of Earthlings. In their native home they knew no pain, sorrow, suffering, sickness or death.. But in the glory and wonder of their world they grew proud and arrogant. They made war among themselves and finally turned against the Great Giver of Life.”………………….”In order that those entities might fain understanding, compassion and brotherly love they were born into the animalistic, material evolution of a lesser planet Earth. Suffering, sorrow, frustration and death became their teacher. Their symbol became the man-Beast. Each man must work out his own destiny and salvation.”

It gives an understanding how the disks are powered and their relationship to the celestial mother ship.

Also there are some statements about time which really makes you think:

Time is a dimension as your scientists now correctly surmise

p 98 Chapter 8 My Awakening On Another Planet

“entities of certain other worlds Earth is regarded as “the accursed planet’, the home of the reprobate, fallen ones’ Others call your Earth ‘the home of sorrows’

The way Orfeo speaks of the Cosmic Christ really moved me and reminded me of the lessons the true prophets gave before they were aberrated by the greed and darkness of those that sought power alone.

Those that claim to lead, fail us daily. Those that say they serve the light cover all with illusions and false statements.

I love this book, it was also published 2 years before President Eisenhower signed the treaty with the Grey’s in February 1954.

Reading this re-fired my hope and optimism. It is something i will re-read.

Thank you Orfeo for telling your story for those of us that hear the truth.

Thank you for sharing your story when you were belittled and judged a fool. Words of truth abide and survive for those that see.

Thank you to the force of love that ties us to the love of the Universe and those that want to help us and do.

6 November 2023 – How relevant to read and put this up today. With the ongoing bombardment of Gaza. The people of the world are uniting and our Mother Earth has enough for all of us and we are seeing massive change and a coming together of people.

Joan Grant

Joan Grant 12 April 1907 – 3 February 1989

Anyone who loves Egypt and feels its mystical pull will love to read any of Joan Grants books which are set in Egypt.

They were publicised as historical novels however they were based on her past live memories. When the ‘Winged Pharaoh’ was printed in 1937 during WWII there was a great shortage of paper yet her publisher on a large print run and insisted that her books would all sell and they did.

Winged Pharaoh

The story of Sekeeta, daughter of Pharaoh sent to train in the temple. Such a beautifully written story. Great insights into a functioning temple the training of an initiate. Some insights into the deeper meaning of some hieroglyphs. Sekeeta shares her insights generously.

‘The Eye of Horus’ and ‘Lord of the Horizon’

Eyes of Horus is set in 11th and 12th dynasty when there was a division between Upper and Lower Egypt. The land was divided, where Set was the God of rule. In the following book ‘Lord of the Horizon’ you see the rising of those that served Horus bringing Egypt back to light.

(I am transferring Astro Awareness pages here. It has been years since I wrote this, and I’m not sure about the dynasties. So will reread and come back to this. I think having read a book about Joan Grant she places it to 1st Dynasty. 6 Nov 23)


The knowing of things with the application of morality brings the ability to see far and wide.
In the seeing is the power,
the ability to take the higher ground gives the lighter part of ‘self’ freedom to express his or herself.

Experience turns knowledge into wisdom and often a book is the key of transformation.

Moon Guide 14 December 2020

Discover and work with this Lunar cycle, Moon phase by Moon phase by Vassoulla from an experienced astrologer who shares her Moon readings with us here at Gifts of the Goddess – Thank you. Vassoulla is an experienced astrologer, tarot reader and healer. The insights into the Moons journey through the zodiac helps you to learn the lessons given with each important cycle and gives a pathway forward to work with universal energies through the Moon. We are made of 70% water!!!

Sagittarius Moon 14th December 2020 Time 16:17 00 – Moon Guide to make the most of this lunar cycle by Vassoulla.

 Direct Planets: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Athena

Retrograde: Uranus, Mercury

 The planets are now coming into alignment for the final finale, it’s the beginning of a new Earth that will reveal its self after the 21st December and the days that follow, the 1st of January finally brings us into the Universal light. 

This solar eclipse is revealing our power, everything taking place is taking us to what we are, our true authentic selves, raising our consciousness all according to our merit, from under world to over world.

Solar eclipse 14th December 2020.  The New Moon is exposing the darkness and close to Mercury opposes the north node.  This is promoting our awareness as so much information is coming to the surface exposing the truth, and from here on will show the many layers covering democracy and the underworld.  it’s not easy.  I think we will all be shocked as so much is revealed to us, there’s so much that could have made life easier, and life will won’t be the same after the 21st, much that has been long hidden comes hand in hand with the truth its basically the only way. 

As we move onto the 16th December again information coming through, its deep, passionate, strong and unyielding, we need to be careful how we communicate as its possible words can out of hand due to so much intensity best to use our energy in a way that can be positive, using our creative powers in a focused way so this energy is channeled positively. 

 The 17th December Saturn enters Aquarius and we get a different  slant here. This is all to do with being more social, away from the focus of ourselves and more with groups, co-operations working with other for the benefit of mankind no matter what we each do. This transit of Saturn in Aquarius we will love,  yet we will still need time to retreat and restore our energies, so this is quite major, and moves well with the new Earth that is on our door step.

The Sun also enters Sagittarius on the 19th December we are kind of getting a handle on all that has been released so far and feeling more confident as we dare to spread our wings, Jupiter also enters Aquarius on the 19th December and again Jupiter is much happier here as Jupiter is social, loves the media, loves to help and will do it gladly yet just to begin with, we will have to be patient, as we need get the equations right and this is also the influence of Saturn however it wont last for long.

 The 21 December and first quarter Moon is the big reveal, and the alignment of the planets, but no ordinary alignment this is the alignment of the different dimensions and frequencies of these planets all synchronised to release there light in one big boom, hence the light, the  awakening because then we will know! This is where we see clearly, we are not going to like it, but remember whenever there is a change everything around that is familiar will change to bring balance and harmony once more.

This is the last bit of the puzzle take in the information try not to be alarmed  or be in fear for everything has it purpose and will bring us to the great  reset, where we  will all be financially secure,  please be aware when the reset begins everything will be closed, and  connects, it’s all  part of the big plan to bring fairness to the world so sit tight, there are disruptions know that  once everything has settled all will be well.

The 24th December and Taurus Moon we are getting more aligned with what is taking place yet there are still some frustrations taking place this is so challenging as we feel we want to spread our wings yet life feels tight so hang in there.

The 30th December and Full Cancer Moon opposes Mercury and trines Neptune.  Today is the culmination to the new Moon we began this cycle with anticipation and is now fully revealed, there is an element of hope in the air as so much communications taking place checking out so much as everything has completely changed for the better amongst the debris, and ready to step into our new world we have created as the movement of we-the-people. 

This Cancer Moon is nurturing and we can do just that, and should with our intentions give ourselves anything we need.  But you know we haven’t seen anything yet as so much is to come to light, its going to be unbelievable free energy, lots of new technologies will now be released in 2021 now is our time! 

 As we move to the 4th January 2021 There’s going to be much more clarity, I say this only because there has been so any disruption yet now, we can see clearly, perhaps we need to revalue our feelings, as much will have changed due to these upheavals but we can do it!

The 6th January is the 2nd quarter and Libra Moon to do with justice that is now in our lap although keeping ourselves balanced is not easy, the best we can do is to keep focused on ourselves and keep centered so we keep our balance.

The 8th January is powerful Scorpio Moon and blends well with the Sun and Neptune and happy with the way events are unfolding.

The 10th January and Crescent Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune again more information yet to come, I feel this is a time for us to resonate with all the happenings and very wise to take in some quiet moments. 

The 11th January and dark of a Sagittarius Moon, and changes signs at 1 30 pm into Capricorn time to focus within, so serious thought going into this dark of the Moon.

Moon Phase 31 October 23

31st October 2021 Gemini Moon. The 29th  Moon conjunct Jupiter and with him a ray of hope has an opportunity for  expansion, as this is the energy of today, its not that we are so enthusiastic yet if there was indeed hope for something: this is the next stage, all we have to do is stay focused.

As we move to the 1st November the Moon is still in Gemini, only now we have more stability that can make our intentions a reality, although the energies are there to  help and guide there is some patience needed to see this through,  persistence will guide you to where you wish to be or want to accomplish.

.2nd November Moon in Cancer  this energy is asking us how we feel about our journey so far. Much of it is connected to money and how we make a living, are we doing what we are happy with is something we can check out.

4th November A Leo Moon and all feels good enthusiasm hope for change, and so much more, I feel has occurred already helping us all to  view and review our options, as life changes are fast now ensure we are happy with what ever is going on right now, and focus on the self.

7th November Moon enters Virgo the sign of clarity and practicability, here we are clear minded and have focus, the Moon links well with Jupiter, if we have made plans or anything that is on-going, today should give you the opportunity for expansion, or the next stage of development. A good day to make things happen.

9th November A Libra Moon connects well with Mercury, conjuncts Venus and links well with Pluto.  Pluto is now moving forward since the 11th October so all her connections now are about moving forward big time. All communications go well,  near and far and all flows well, also this feels life’s turn around time with Pluto in the picture enables one to make changes relatively easily, instead of the huge obstacles that we sometimes find.  This may also be connected with finance as did the new Moon, if we find indeed we have been lucky and received a windfall, should you choose use wisely as it doesn’t last forever.

12th November Moon in Scorpio  the Moon opposes Jupiter and kinda feels the energy of the 9th November, full of enthusiasm  and hope, will give us all loads of energy. However use wisely as by the evening we may feel  quite drained.

Moon Update

18th October 23 Moon enters Sagittarius life is a challenging concerning money, try a little patience as life is changing constantly and we will all be happy with the outcome.

By the 20th October and Capricorn Moon links well with Venus, Mars Jupiter and  Saturn, so I feel like we have opportunities coming our way. Note if there are any options? thinking outside our usual frame of reference, as there is always more we can apply ourselves too.  Lots of opportunities here especially with Jupiter’s assistance.

New Moon Libra 14 October 23

New Moon Libra 14th October 2023 Time 17h 55m

Planets Direct   Mercury Venus Mars Pluto

Retrograde Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

14th October New Moon.  This s a bit tricky being the scales, they tip so easily. The new Moon points and opposes both Chiron and the north node, this is to do with moving forward ensuring we all have plenty financially to live our lives without these  worries .  Venus in Virgo is doing her sums to redistribute necessary wealth and opposes Saturn in Pisces, so not all will be happy about this. So although we cannot see it at the moment it’s all happening behind the scenes.   This is the main focus that will bring hope to so many, everything is going to be fair for all.

15th  October Moon enters Scorpio and we feel this drive to success, it’s important to focus on the self, and keep ourselves centered as outside influence are trying their best to cause a turbulence, all we have to do is keep focused on what we each need at this time.

Revelations of Pluto

Revelations of Pluto

The Greek Lord of the Underworld is called Hades also Pluto which means riches. Although s/he is terrifying, he is the twin brother of Jupiter the great giver of wisdom and expansion. And perhaps even stronger for he/r rules are never changing.

Hades was given no altar for us to worship like the other Gods and Goddess instead we have the eternal seed of death within us that needs to be acknowledge and respected with such reverence, he’s everywhere and nowhere to be seen. 

Born from the eternal Mother all the challenging aspects of human life are born, from old age, death, dreams, discord, the Erinyes, the Moirai, the Gorgons all sprang from her womb with so much anger, resentment, jealousy and frustration and darkness, rage, depression. This is the will of the dark yet rich Goddess and not the ego, once in the realms of Pluto we have no choice but to listen, because Pluto is the God/dess of invisibility for he wears a helmet of invisibility when s/he comes to the surface regions of the Earth. 

     These qualities are mostly unseen and repressed from life’s often tragic events in life, they remain hidden secret and put aside so we can move forward with the demands of our lives. Yet when there is a transit of Pluto up she comes to torment us with depression, anxiety, sorrow, restriction, rage, this is a great passion yet there’s no way out, it causes a type of death, a transformation.

Something has to give and it’s not Pluto so we have to surrender to this disruptive energy as we are stripped of everything that is superficial or no longer serves. it’s not a choice we have, we have to bow down in humiliation to retrieve ourselves to release and, leave our lives to the secret fate there’s just no choice. However, there is a choice called Eumenides (three kindly ladies, as opposed to the vengeful ladies called the Erinyes the terrible avengers of the mother), to offset the horror.  How do we do this? Well, we need to acknowledge whatever we are going through and accept  there is no way out, and off set it with an affirmation or any phrase or word that gives comfort, so although things are almost tragic it makes us so aware  that we are more conscious of whats going on within, and acceptance.

The daughters of Nyx and Goddess’s night are called MOIRAI or Erinyes or triple faced Hekate they are three in form and represent the three lunar phases the crescent, full, and dark of the Moon these in turn represent maiden fruitful wife and crone old age.

In Sumerian age that predates the Greek myth by some centuries the great Goddess was then called Ereshkigal (means Lady of the Great Place Below) who ruled the underworld of dead Ereshkigal had many servants and male adviser called Namtar whose name means fate, so there’s connection to the great place below and fate.

The Sumerian Queen of Heaven Inanna visits her sister in order to pay her respects to her sister’s late husband and is treated accorded to custom she is stripped naked and make to bow before her sister Ereshkigal.

This is basically the totality of us, our secrets our hidden from view, only to show up years later. Once we have traveled to the underworld we never come back the same way, we have to acknowledge so many different aspects of ourselves, we return naked, nothing left of the old self. So we receive a transformation, these revelations  are hidden from view, at another time we don’t even know we are there, other times we can acknowledge this fear, this darkness or negative energies and realise we have a choice of accepting and going through what feels like an eternity! We are there, we accept and go thought the rituals of release the goddess demands all to be released.   We can do it the hard way or the conscious way, but it has to be done.

Val 13th Sep 2023

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Goddess Seshat – Putting a Line Under It

The Goddess Seshat is an ancient Egyptian Goddess. Her cord was used to lay the foundations of the temple, She is Goddess of all things.

Her cord stretches and separates light into different rays. It is like a line that can be shaped into any symbol, hence her presiding over writing. This ancient Matriarchal Goddess is gentle, wise and true in her ways.

They say Seshat is the wife of Thoth, though I suspect that when we were matriarchal learning was a more gentle path. Where as Thoth is the male side of Seshat’s coin.

As Goddess of the scrolls her cord is our life path. Destiny is a living force that binds us together. Seshat will teach you to be organised, to understand and give you perspective on where you are and help you to understand your karmic past that is relevant to your now.

Wisdom is created through the tribulations of life. We only seem to learn when times are tough. Face your challenge with courage, understand the lessons of that particular life experience and then use Seshat’s cord to put a line under it. That experience does not need to be held of carried. Let it go and take your gem of wisdom!

2 May 2023